Medical Facilities Under Fire

Key FindingsInvestigationsData Setmethodologyعربي

Medical Facilites Under Fire


This section provides an overview of four attacks on medical facilities (including hospitals and health care centers) that have taken place during the conflict in Yemen. This was determined by conducting an analysis of primary sources - such as video footage we have verified and witness statements, as well as secondary sources (e.g., reports by international human rights organisations and media).

Conclusions drawn for each incident were reached through an analysis of video documentation, official reports and witness statements. By examining a variety of sources of information for each attack, the Yemeni Archive was able to corroborate and strengthen the findings from the database of visual content. Visual content gathered and verified by the Yemeni Archive is extensively analysed - including in-depth geolocation and, when relevant, munition identification.

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Targeting Kitaf Rural Hospital

To be released soon

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22 May Hospital Under Attack

To be released soon

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Airstrikes on Dar Al Shifa Medical Centre

Alleged Saudi-led coalition airstrike killed and wounded patients at the Dar Al Shifa Hospital

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Systematic Attacks on Al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz

Targeting Al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz City
